London Harvest Festival

London Harvest Festival celebrates city farms and community gardens and the staff and volunteers who make growing sites so special.

Please join us for lots of fun in 2024. See the website for all the information.

Venue: the Lambourne End Centre in the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham.

Booking is essentialBook here please.

Members of the public are welcome and we have parking.

Delicious food and drink is available please click here for details

The London Harvest Festival is organised by the London Association who are a group of dedicated leaders of city farms and community gardens.

The event is part of the Urban Harvest fortnight of events in London which celebrates growing in the city.

Timings of the Festival

10am - 3.30pm

Have a Go Crafts
o    corn dolls
o    willow weaving
o    iron forge
o    spinners

Garden Tour - meet at the info tent

11:30am -1pm  
Animal Handling Competition with three age classes
Horticulture judging

Dog Show for dogs belonging to projects and their staff members. 
All dogs must stay on leads.

Garden Tour - meet at the info tent

Main event closes

3:30 - 5pm
Events for city farm and community garden competitors - Team Challenges, Tug of War and Awards ceremony


2024-09-21 from 10:00 AM to  3:30 PM
Lambourne End Centre
Manor Road
Lambourne End, Romford
United Kingdom
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