Measuring outcomes: Tools for evaluating health and wellbeing outcomes for community growing programmes

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This free seminar for community growing groups will highlight a new Guide to tools for evaluating health and wellbeing outcomes from community growing programmes and share experiences from community growing groups using the tools and leading academics in the field.

Where: Roots & Shoots, London (near Waterloo station)

When: 23rd March 2016, 10.45 am to 3.30 pm

Several of the most commonly used tools will be featured, along with opportunities for debating and sharing how you and other groups have used them in practice. We will be gathering feedback on how the new online guide (due for completion early March) might be enhanced and promoted.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided, and a report of the event circulated to attendees.

2016-03-23 from 10:45 AM to  3:30 PM
Roots and Shoots
The Vauxhall Centre
Walnut Tree Walk
SE11 6DN
United Kingdom
Phone: 020 7587 1131
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