Have a Grow, 2024!

Have a Grow is our annual nationwide celebration of all things community growing! It's a great opportunity to shout about what you do, and to bring new faces along to your space to get involved and have a grow! This year it's taking place over one week and two weekends: Saturday 1st June - 9th June. 

For the second year running, we're proud to be part of Eden Project Communities' 'Month of Community' - a month of amazing initiatives and events in June that celebrates everything that makes our communities great.

Members of SF&G

Login with your account details here and register your Have a Grow events.

(Not yet!) Members

To to sign up for Have a Grow, register as a SF&G member (for free!) then come back to this page and register your Have a Grow event. 

Download our free resources to make your event shine, including templates and graphics to help your Have a Grow event! 


Trio Tyfu, 2024!

Trio Tyfu yw ein dathliad cenedlaethol o popeth i'w wneud â ‘tyfu’ yn y gymuned! Mae'n gyfle gwych i weiddi am yr hyn rydych chi'n ei wneud, ac i ddod â wynebau newydd i'ch gofod i gymryd rhan yn Trio Tyfu! Eleni mae'n digwydd dros wythnos a dau benwythnos: Dydd Sadwrn 1 Mehefin - 9 Mehefin. 

Am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol, rydym yn falch o fod yn rhan o 'Mis o Gymuned' Eden Project Communities - mis o fentrau a digwyddiadau anhygoel ym mis Mehefin sy'n dathlu popeth sy'n gwneud ein cymunedau'n wych.

Aelodau o FfaGC

Mewngofnodwch gyda manylion eich cyfrif yma a chofrestrwch eich digwyddiadau Trio Tyfu.

Pobl nad ydynt yn aelodau (eto!)

I gofrestru ar gyfer Trio Tyfu, cofrestrwch fel aelod o FfaGC (am ddim!) yna dewch yn ôl i'r dudalen hon a chofrestrwch eich digwyddiad Trio Tyfu.

Lawrlwythwch ein hadnoddau am ddim i wneud i'ch digwyddiad ddisgleirio, gan gynnwys templedi a graffeg i helpu eich digwyddiad ‘Trio Tyfu’!





Organization Name City / Suburb Description What events and activities do you have planned for the day? Will you be open on the day? Toilets Fully accessible
Foodscape London

Founded by a desire to redefine urban food growing and wellbeing, Foodscape empowers people to grow their own fresh seasonal produce in the heart of our cities.

Our passion for food growing... more

Discover an urban oasis in the heart of Camden and visit London's only public, vertical urban farm. Relax, unwind, learn about the vision behind Foodscape, how and why we grow vertically,... more

Sunday 9th June 11am - 3pm
Farm tours: 11:30am, 12:30pm. 2pm

Yes Yes
Friends of Llanfrechfa Grange Walled Garden Cwmbran

Our community group, called ‘Friends of Llanfrechfa Grange Walled Garden’ is a registered charity with 6 unpaid charity Trustees responsible for overseeing the development and ongoing maintenance... more

Plant sale, propagation station, kitchen garden, fun activities for all the family, craft and produce stall, raffle, tombola, book stall, information about the charity, refreshments, botanical art... more

10.30 - 16.00 hrs on Sat 1st June 2024

Yes Yes
Global Gardens Project Cardiff

We are a community allotment project supporting community-based learning about organic food growing, seasonal and nourishing cooking and sustainable craft.

An open day with the opportunity to learn more about the project and volunteering opportunities over tea and cake. You can meet some existing volunteers and have a tour around our community garden... more

We are open for a garden tour at 1pm - please book a spot on the eventbrite link... more

Yes No
Grange Pavilion Cardiff

The Grange Pavilion is a high-quality, sustainable venue run by and for the community in the heart of Wales’ most ethnically diverse ward and one of the nation’s most socio-economically deprived... more

Kids activities, plant sales/exchange, talks on gardening topics.

We will have an open day during the Have a Grow week, date and time TBD.

Yes Yes
Holt Community Gardeners Holt, Wrexham

The aims of the Group are:
1. To promote a strong sense of community by bringing the village together to enjoy the experience of gardening.
2. To share the information and experience... more

Talk about our group and what we do.
See our achievements in the centre of the village and our horticultural and environmental achievements.
Visit our allotments to see what we grow... more

Saturday 8th June, 2024. 11:00 - 13:00 hrs
We will meet in the Kenyon Hall, then tour the centre of the village and visit our allotments.
Visitors will be warmly welcomed.

Yes Yes
Mawr Community Council Swansea

Mawr Community council employs a bio diversity project coordinator who is funded by the rural anchor grant from Swansea council levelling up. The project covers two community gardens in Garnswllt... more

Craigcefnparc Saturdays 10am-12pm

Yes No

Why Join

Your services are free, relevant and have promoted growth which makes you more popular with us.” – Community Garden member.