
A group of people of smile at a networking tour at Sufra Community Gardens

London has the largest concentration of city/care farms and community gardens of any UK city. 

Our team in London run bespoke training, support and networking programme for staff, volunteers and trustees of city farms and community gardens. The team also offer free training for individuals and nature-based organisations. 

Meet our members

London's network of farms and gardens offer services to business, schools and health commissioners; corporate volunteering, venue hire, landscaping, workshops, creches, after-school clubs, social/care farming, mobile farms and more. Use our member map to find a member in London. 

We help businesses, funders and individuals connect with our members. Do get in touch to find out how we can all help one another. 

Our core London programme

Our training and events programme for city farms and community gardens sees members working together to improve their long-term viability, thereby contributing to the sustainability of vibrant local communities throughout the capital. This is a well-established, popular, enjoyable programme. Annual outputs include: 

  • Training days designed and delivered by SF&G members
  • Networking tours of community growing spaces
  • Showcase events including the London Harvest Festival 

The programme is generously funded by City Bridge Foundation. 

The work is developed with the London Association - a core group of members, and it's own small charity.

These are the differences we are making: 

Difference 1-  6300 Londoners increase involvement in their local city farms and community gardens, benefitting physical and mental wellbeing, career opportunities, and environmental skills. Staff at 300 nature-based organisations boost inclusion and community engagement skills. Organisations are more community-led and better meet neighbourhood need, enhancing their charitable aims and benefitting 44,000+ Londoners.

Difference 2 600+ staff, volunteers and trustees of nature-based organisations become more resilient and professional, and have fun. They feel part of a bigger picture, working in sync for shared outcomes for Londoners, partnering on community engagement, environmental and organisational development activities, professional development pathways, and on communicating multiplied impact to decision-makers. 

Difference 3 As more Londoners connect with nature-based organisations, which in turn connect for joint impact, senior leaders will develop their capacity and opportunities to advocate and communicate value, engaging new and existing stakeholders and raising visibility of nature-based activities with the statutory,  private and cultural sectors and the wider third sector. 

To find out more about our work across London, please email us at [email protected]



A watercolour drawing of farm animals including a cow and sheep

A sunny September Saturday saw SF&G members celebrate their achievements with horticultural and animal shows, a photography competition and a c


A family sit on a bench in natural urban surroundings.

Free training for individuals and nature-based organisations near to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. 

From 2021 - 2024 we offered free t

London Harvest Festival illustration of farm animals
We support this annual member event to showcase Londoners horticultural and agricultural skills.
Group of people in a city garden
Bespoke training, support and networking for London's city farms and community gardens.

Jobs from members

Lead the Transformation of a Beloved Community Garden

Global Generation is looking for someone who is passionate about working with local communities to create safe, inclusive and inspiring green space