Cynllun Gardd Canolfan Felin Fach

Phone: 01758 701 611
Address: Canolfan Felin Fach Centre
Stryd Penlan

Pwllheli, Gwynedd
LL53 5DE
Therpeutic gardening project for people suffering or recovering from mental health, alcohol and drug problems.

Prosiect garddio therapiwtig ar gyfer publ syn dioddef neu yn gwella o effeithian probleman iechyd meddwl, alcohol a chyffurian.
Facilities: Volunteering
Open to the public?: Yes
Open to the public?: Variable opening hours/pre-arranged visits/events or open days only
Opening hours:
Accessible?: No
Has livestock?: No
Details of livestock and rare breeds kept:
Directions: Behind Botwnog secondary school, LL53 8PY. Nearest town Pwllheli