Penrose Roots

Phone: 07805739238
Address: Victoria House
Victoria Street

Luton, Beds
Our aim is to support individuals and local people to overcome social isolation, to promote recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, mental health issues, offending behaviour, homelessness and unemployment by being engaged in a range of opportunities such as:
● accessing a therapeutic open space
● accessing a place to grow and cook organic food grown by the clients
●accessing healing centres for people with mental and physical disabilities
●access opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy, education and work skills through a “Men’s Sheds” workshop (
This will create more opportunities for local people that are isolated to engage with other people with similar issues and challenges and it will provide an avenue for service users be signposted relevant support services if needs are identified.
Facilities: Volunteering, Wildlife area, Sustainable/Green building on site
Open to the public?: Yes
Open to the public?: Variable opening hours/pre-arranged visits/events or open days only
Opening hours: Current opening times are Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am till 4pm this will be extended once volunteers are inducted. however the site is accessible to the public when no staff are on site but facilities are limited.
Accessible?: No
Has livestock?: No
Details of livestock and rare breeds kept:
Directions: The site is located next to the Bide-a-while gardens on new Bedford road A6 Luton. number 76 bus from Luton town centre stopping outside Barnfield collage