Ruskin Mill Trust

Phone: 07785350208
Address: Ruskin Mill Trust
Old Bristol Road

Ruskin Mill Trust works with children and young adults in specialist schools and colleges that are sited in a garden and farming context through biodynamic methods. The Trust also works in a community context with vegetable boxes and associated cafes. More recently, a new project, The Fold, has been funded to provide restorative development for veterans and their families. A new Garden School is being launched in 2019. The Trust has 8 centres across England and Wales. Ruskin Mill Trust was a founding member of the Green Care Coalition.

Ruskin Mill Trust also has a bespoke research centre collaborating with a number of UK universities in researching the efficacy of its unique method, Practical Skills Therapeutic Education.

The Trust also has international collaborative projects in Hungary, Norway, California and Shanghai.
Open to the public?:
Open to the public?:
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Has livestock?:
Details of livestock and rare breeds kept: