Cornhill Farm

Phone: 07389868545
Address: Cornhill Farm
Higher Kehelland
TR14 0DH

We are a commercial arable farm which also has a commercial free range laying hen enterprise. We are very interested in education on farm, and have hosted 14 school visits in 2023 and 10 so far in 2024 with another 4 booked in, so we shall probably host around 20 this year. We also open our farm to Open Farm Sunday, we did this in 2021 and had 400 visitors, 800 visitors in 2022, 1,200 in 2023 and we are expecting 1,800 in 8 days time on the 30th June 2024. We mainly attract visitors from the Camborne & Redruth area which is an area of deprivation. But because we are very close and free entry (unlike say Royal Cornwall Show) the event is proving extremely popular.

We do pond dipping as part of the open farm Sunday and I am seeking grant funding for pond dipping equipment and a gazebo. This equipment would be used at future open farm Sundays and subsequent school visits. I expect we are probably too late to claim these for this yeas OFS, but if it was at all possible, I could buy the equipment next week!

I am also planning a community tree planting event in the autumn as we are an Exemplar Farm with the Forest 4 Cornwall scheme, and the gazebo would be helpful to have as shelter for admin/food on the day.

Open to the public?
Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
Has livestock?