Gardd Gymunedol Yr Hen Ysgol Llanybydder Old School Community Garden

Phone: 07951094647
Address: Llanybydder Old School Community Centre
Llansawel Road

SA40 9RN
Our project provides the opportunity for all ages and cultures of people within the area to get together, collaborate and meet on an informal, enjoyable and productive basis. Our project will be open to all, and all will be welcome.
We will encourage people from under-represented groups within the area to use our project and mix with all. Our town, on the whole is fairly cosmopolitan having seen an influx of people from many countries, heritages and cultures into our community during the last 15 years - we anticipate that this project will further integrate new people into our community and long term residents into understanding more about the cultures of the new people to our area.
Facilities: Cafe, Community space for hire
Open to the public?:
Open to the public?:
Opening hours:
Accessible?: No
Has livestock?:
Details of livestock and rare breeds kept: