Site resilience plans
We encourage projects that we support (especially CLAS Cymru Awardees) to complete a site resilience plan to help provide a seal of approval for future funders and public bodies. This document demonstrates the wellbeing credentials of the project/space to decision makers in line with the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015.
For example, all public bodies are trying to improve the resilience of people and nature to reduce climate impacts. Community led green space projects are usually doing a lot to improve the resilience of people and nature. It is important public bodies know about these activities happening in their areas.
Please get in touch if you'd like to find out more about site resilience plans.
We have been working with a graphic designer to update our current resilience plan template, we are in the final stages and very near completion. We're very excited to show off our new design, watch this space!