Community Orchard Forum Cymru / Fforwm Perllan Cymunedol Cymru

Community Orchard Forum Cymru / Fforwm Perllan Cymunedol Cymru

A warm welcome to our Orchard Forum Cymru to all community orchardeers. This forum is a chance to learn from others and to share your own experiences being involved in a community orchard. There will be a topic for each session which will be led by a member and then we will open the floor for questions and discussion. The topic for the first session will be Summer pruning with Joey Hughes from Merched y Berllan.  


SF&G Members' Gathering October: Permaculture Design in Community Growing Settings

Permaculture Design in Community Growing Settings

SF&G's Paul Jennings will be leading this session exploring how to incorporate permaculture design in community growing settings. Permaculture is an approach to land management and settlement design that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. It includes a set of design principles derived using whole-systems thinking that can be used effectively in a community-growing setting both in terms of physical design, and group governance and management.


SF&G Members' Gathering August

What needs planning permission?

SF&G's CLAS Cymru Coordinator; Lucie Taylor will be leading this session to share her knowledge of land usage and what exactly needs planning permission.

There will be ample time at the end for Q and A's.



Tyfu Powys: Orchard Leader

FREE Tyfu Powys Community Orchard Workshops 

Do you dream of developing a community orchard?  

  • A bespoke series of workshops for Community Gardens in Powys. 
  • Join Tyfu Powys to learn techniques and tips for developing and managing your community orchard, delivered by The Orchard Project. 

Gweithdai Perllan Gymunedol Tyfu Powys AM DDIM 

Ydych chi'n breuddwydio am ddatblygu perllan gymunedol?  


Allotment Forum / Fforwm Rhandiroedd

Allotment Forum 

Topic: Allotment Law, an informal conversation. With, Sarah Collick from SF&G and Katie Trent from Community Land Advisory Service SF&G.

Fforwm Rhandiroedd

Pwnc: Cyfraith Rhandiroedd, sgwrs anffurfiol. Gyda, Sarah Collick o SF&G a Katie Trent o'r Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Dir Cymunedol SF&G.

