Cardiff and Vale UHB Garden Project at Park Road Houses

Phone: 029220522488
Address: 9 Park Road
CF14 7BP

The project is contained within the grounds of a hospital ward that is based within the community.
It is our hope that it will be the patients who are staying here. Many of which find going into the
community an enormous task, to benefit from this giving them a safe space and an area of relaxation.
We are post COVID looking to restart our gardening group which has been successful in the past. The
hope is that the group will continue to work and maintain the area so that it will be a safe space for
patients and staff. Giving them an area close to the unit that they can be in nature and feel the well
reached mental health benefits of such time. There are 13 beds in use at all times. The
patients tend to stay for 3 months before moving on. Also, we have links with another community
ward who have 8 patients who will utilise the garden here and benefit from being within the

Open to the public? No
Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
Has livestock? No