Two River Meadow Group,Monmouth

Phone: 07762468903
Address: Two River Meadow
confluence of Monnow into the Wye
NP25 3LZ

We care for a triangular piece of public land where the river Monnow meets the River Wye just downstream of our town of Monmouth,We aim to continue the development of a biodiverse are where wildlife can flourish and which both locals and visitors can enjoy.We rely on excellent working relations with volunteers at Monmouth Comprehensive Scholl,Scouts Guides and the many local experts in plants,birds,insects,fish etc.
Management is done in partnership with Monmouthshire County Council and includes:
*maintenance of gates and paths to ensure accessibility for those on foot,mobility scooters,push bikes and prams.
*A 'meadow management 'regime,(a single,late summer cut and collect)
*Preserve the riverbanks' sheltering habitat,but install and maintain benches at view points of the rivers.
*Gratefully plant donations from local gardens of wildflowers such as cowslips,primroses, violets campion etc.
*Ensure plenty of fallen wood remains on the ground to rot,that thistles and some nettles remain to encourage insects and birds.
*Organise monthly 'dawn chorus' guided walks through spring and early summer
*Make weekly recordings of the state of health of the Wye by measuring phosphates,nitrates,nitrite etc as part of Friends of the River Wye evidence to help their campaign to 'save its life'
*Publicise and explain our project at every opportunity ..on site notice board,our FB page,local festivals and occasional 'open days' with the adjacent allotment holders.

Facilities: Volunteering, Picnic area, Wildlife area
Open to the public?
Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
Has livestock?