Greening Denmead / Denmead Community Garden

Phone: 07772582895
Address: Denmead Community Centre
School Lane

Greening Demeand has been set up as a local community action group focusing on climate change and biodiversity. We are a volunteer group and have created 5 focus areas, one of which is growing food.

Denmead Community Garden
We’re planning to set up and create an accessible community garden in the grounds of Denmead Community Centre. The community centre has kindly offered an area of their grounds for us to create a fenced garden, where we can grow fruit and vegetables as a community.
All residents of Denmead will be welcome to:
Visit the community garden when it is open and see what plants are growing there
Learn how to grow food, and look after plants
Contribute ideas to the garden’s design
We’re also hoping to host a community planting and harvest events.

The dream scenario would be that we can help people in need, and encourage healthy eating. In parallel we hope we can create a social space, welcoming people from the community where people benefit beyond the produce.

Plant and seed swap events
In collaboration with Denmead Horticultural Society, we’re hoping to run plant and seed swaps throughout the year, at local community events.

Facilities: Community space for hire, Picnic area, Community recycling/composting, Play area, Sustainable/Green building on site
Open to the public?
Open to the public - details:
Accessible? No
Has livestock?