Have a Grow, 2024!

Have a Grow is our annual nationwide celebration of all things community growing! It's a great opportunity to shout about what you do, and to bring new faces along to your space to get involved and have a grow! This year it's taking place over one week and two weekends: Saturday 1st June - 9th June. 

For the second year running, we're proud to be part of Eden Project Communities' 'Month of Community' - a month of amazing initiatives and events in June that celebrates everything that makes our communities great.

Members of SF&G

Login with your account details here and register your Have a Grow events.

(Not yet!) Members

To to sign up for Have a Grow, register as a SF&G member (for free!) then come back to this page and register your Have a Grow event. 

Download our free resources to make your event shine, including templates and graphics to help your Have a Grow event! 


Trio Tyfu, 2024!

Trio Tyfu yw ein dathliad cenedlaethol o popeth i'w wneud â ‘tyfu’ yn y gymuned! Mae'n gyfle gwych i weiddi am yr hyn rydych chi'n ei wneud, ac i ddod â wynebau newydd i'ch gofod i gymryd rhan yn Trio Tyfu! Eleni mae'n digwydd dros wythnos a dau benwythnos: Dydd Sadwrn 1 Mehefin - 9 Mehefin. 

Am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol, rydym yn falch o fod yn rhan o 'Mis o Gymuned' Eden Project Communities - mis o fentrau a digwyddiadau anhygoel ym mis Mehefin sy'n dathlu popeth sy'n gwneud ein cymunedau'n wych.

Aelodau o FfaGC

Mewngofnodwch gyda manylion eich cyfrif yma a chofrestrwch eich digwyddiadau Trio Tyfu.

Pobl nad ydynt yn aelodau (eto!)

I gofrestru ar gyfer Trio Tyfu, cofrestrwch fel aelod o FfaGC (am ddim!) yna dewch yn ôl i'r dudalen hon a chofrestrwch eich digwyddiad Trio Tyfu.

Lawrlwythwch ein hadnoddau am ddim i wneud i'ch digwyddiad ddisgleirio, gan gynnwys templedi a graffeg i helpu eich digwyddiad ‘Trio Tyfu’!





Organization Name City / Suburb Description What events and activities do you have planned for the day? Will you be open on the day? Toilets Fully accessible
Meddwl Coed Carmarthen

We run a service where people of any age who have suffered mental health problems or problems with addiction can spend time learning new skills (growing, green woodworking, equine and poultry care... more

Have a go at vegetable gardening, meet the ponies, have a crash course in chicken care.

We will be opening our site to visitors on Tuesday June 4th between 11am and 2pm.

Yes No
Olden Community Garden London

Olden Community Garden is a two-acre oasis of greenery in Islington, north London. Over time, a herbaceous garden, an orchard, a series of vegetable terraces, a meadow , a pond, and an acre of... more

We will be doing general gardening tasks including watering,
deadheading roses, feeding, sowing next spring's biennials,
pruning, tidying and weeding.

Children can sow a... more

Olden Garden will welcome participants to our 'Have a Grow Day' on Saturday 8th June, 12 noon - 3pm.

Yes Yes
Our Yard at Clitterhouse Farm North West London

We’re a vibrant and innovative social enterprise working to protect the historic Clitterhouse farm buildings in north Cricklewood and transform them into a sustainable hub with garden, cafe,... more

Community Gardening Session and Plant Sale on Sat 1st and 8th June from 1am - 5pm.
Our cafe will be open for lunch, coffee and and homemade cakes.
We are running two workshops on Sat... more

We are open on Sat.1st and 8th June between 10:00 and 17:00.

Yes Yes
Princess Gwenllian Centre Kidwelly

We run a community centre in Kidwelly Wales, there is 2 acres of land next to the hall and we have started a garden and wildflower area. We have plans in the future for bushcraft/ woodwork courses... more

Weeding, tidying up, sowing seeds

Yes we will have a community work day on June 4th 10-3

No No
Prosiect Natur Llanddeiniolen Caernarfon

Prosiect Natur Llanddeiniolen was set up in December 2022 as a grass-roots network supporting various growing groups across 5 villages, in the parish of Llanddeiniolen.
We are on a mission... more

We will be
- checking on orchards planted this year with Keep Wales Tidy packs (as well as our older & more established ones!)
- clearing, weeding and making our spaces feel loved... more

Almost all our sites are on public land, with public access (e.g. village greens, parks and verges in villages).

On Sunday June 9th will be doing a 'whistlestop tour' of most of... more

No Yes
Prospects Foundation Accrington

The Prospects Foundation is a community owned environmental charity in Hyndburn, empowering locals to make grassroots change. We have 6 core themes which we work around: improving biodiversity,... more

We have stalls from all environmental areas and activities, including links to local food growing projects and climate-friendly gardening. There will also be live music and performers, food and... more

we are running a community-scale EcoFest in Accrington town-centre event to show off what we do and encourage the community to be more climate friendly and sustainable, including food growing. The... more

Yes Yes

Why Join

Your services are free, relevant and have promoted growth which makes you more popular with us.” – Community Garden member.